Facade of the Luxor Temple

The painting of the French artist Francois Charles Cecile, shows its obelisk in its original location before being transferred to the Place de la Concorde in Paris, which is made of red granite and is 22.5 meters high and weighs about 227 tons, where it arrived in Paris on December 21, 1833, after having It was shipped from Luxor via Alexandria and Cherbourg, and three years later, on October 25, 1836, it was moved to the middle of the Place de la Concorde by King Louis Philippe, and it is reported that who gifted that obelisk to France was Muhammad Ali Pasha, the ruler of Egypt at that time. I hope this obelisk will be returned to its original position one day.


Object Details

Facade of the Luxor Temple

Francois-Charles Cécile





Louvre Museum
