Tomb Of Rekhmire
In the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt, Rekhmire served as a vizier under Tuthmose III and Amenhotep II. He had a position among the senior civil officials in the region and was in charge of overseeing the administration of upper Egypt region. In addition, he served as the mayor of Thebes and the Steward of the Temple of Amun at Karnak. Among the most significant administrative documents of the New Kingdom is the text that describes his professional responsibilities. TT 100 is located in the Egyptian neighborhood of Sheikh Abd El Qurna.
In this scene the deceased ( towed in a papyrus boat ) is greeted by a priest holding a long roll who stands before two buildings, one has a central door and is topped by two small chapels with two palms, the other has a front pierced by two windows and is surmounted by four fine columns. ©kairoinfo4u
Rekhmire’s tomb, TT100, is a T-shaped building built according to custom. A lengthy tunnel with a steeply sloping roof at its conclusion is one of the peculiar characteristics. Although another tomb associated with Rekhmire has not been discovered, the absence of the burial shaft indicates that he was not interred in this one. Exceptionally well-preserved, the corridor and the hall are brilliantly painted with vignettes from everyday life.
This part of the tomb-chapel shows funeral rituals. In this scene two Muu dancers performing their characteristic dance before a (virtual) river journey who takes the deceased in a boat to Sais. ©kairoinfo4u
One of the most intriguing locations in the entire necropolis is this tomb due to the scene’s specific characteristics. The layout of the tomb is typical of private graves. It has a straightforward layout with a courtyard and a vestibule that is 20 meters long. A 25-metre-long chapel follows this. The chapel, which has a unique ceiling design, appears to be the tomb’s most beautiful feature. There is enough room in the ceiling design for a lovely ornamental pattern.
The Theban Tomb TT100 is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor.
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The entrance is decorated in an antique manner reminiscent of Middle Kingdom tombs, leading to a chapel with remarkable examples of works of art. There are themes like the Beautiful Feast of the Valley event and the Opening of the Mouth ceremony. There were also interesting scenes of ordinary life discovered. Most paintings had good preservation, and most of the colors had stood the test of time. Five wall panels depicting scenes from Thebes may be seen on the vestibule’s wall. Rekhmire’s life at various stages and parts of his family’ lives are shown on the majority of the tomb’s walls. There are also images of hunting, winemaking, and fishing.
Parade of annual tributes and gifts of foreign peoples, a ceremony at which foreign nations’ contributions are presented to king Thutmose III in the presence of his Vizier Rekhmire who will be responsible for recording and storing them. ©kairoinfo4u
The weight of the metal delivered to the metal workers and the weight of finished objects is illustrated appropriately before Rekhmire. ©kairoinfo4u
The paintings throughout the lengthy span are more beautifully detailed and well kept. However, some of those at the far end are perched extremely high up on the wall and are challenging to capture in a shot. I’ll simply offer a quick summary of their substance and organization because they are so extensive. Six registers, starting on the left wall, are where Rekhmire manages the preparation, storage, and distribution of food for the temple
Detail of tributes depict a baby elephant, a brown bear, vases and horses. ©kairoinfo4u
Detail of a banquet scene in the longitudinal hall, north wall. ©kairoinfo4u
The Temple of Amun’s enterprises is then depicted in a series of eight register scenes, including the weighing and recording of gold that was collected as tax. The paintings depict craftsmen working on their wares, including bricklayers, carpenters, metalworkers, leatherworkers, rope makers, and builders. Stone is hauled by sculptors for the construction of two huge royal sculptures. These significant scenes illustrate the ancient Egyptian artisans’ production processes.
This part of the tomb-chapel shows funeral rituals before Anubis in his chapel. ©kairoinfo4u
The embellishments are really well-made in general. The transverse hall’s multicolored hieroglyphic letters are among of the best you’ll discover in an Egyptian tomb, and several of them stand alone as works of art. They’re painted on a gray-blue backdrop but are occasionally done in red. The hieroglyphics are often painted in blue in the other locations. The thorough smoothing of the walls and the extra care that was taken to square the walls from the floor and ceiling are also noteworthy. The ornamental program’s eclecticism and the caliber of its execution necessitated close cooperation.
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